How about injection moulding quality control

There are many methods for quality control of plastic injection moulding products. All kinds of methods cover planning, development, design, production, packaging and transportation activities. As well as areas related to management, production, inspection, material, assembly, gap identification, and improvisation.
If plastic injection moulding quality control follows the correct mold design process. The plastic product quality will be guaranteed. This design process needs to be supported by appropriate process planning. And meet customer needs of performance and assembly, application technology
High precision production control ensures that defects and errors are prevented and eventually removed from molds or plastic products. The following article takes the water process control as an example to introduce in detail
An Example: plastic injection moulding quality control for water
- We found a proper amount of water to be watered when casting a plastic product. If there is no suitable water, high-quality plastic products cannot be produced. Too much water around the plastic particles will weaken the integrity of the plastic structure. Thus, the transparent plastic becomes cloudy and destroys the finish of the product.
- Too much water can cause the product to crack. Many of our customers come from the medical and automotive industries. They can say that the appearance of the product is too strict, so we need to know if you used the good plastic moulding quality control. It’s a headache for any Chinese plastic molding company.
- The technology is not mature, the production cost is increased, and the production process is slow. A plastic manufacturer typically uses a dryer to reduce moisture in the plastic particles. The dryer is not able to test the water. In order to solve this problem, the United States, Europe, and China have developed a new moisture analyzer. It determines the moisture content of your plastic before casting.
Quality control based on statistical analysis and equipment
- The invention of these devices allows a test to be done in a few minutes, rather than the traditional way give you the time to make a decision on the sample information. You can pull the resin sample from a drying rack, quickly determine the water content, and know whether it is ready for injection or not.
- The production workshop able to test the moisture content between the drying furnace and the injection process. They allow injection molding quality control to manage the defects before the potential defects occur.
This new discovery means that fewer products are thrown away at the end of the line, and less energy is wasted.
In such a process, the value of the speed of a moisture analyzer is not only convenient but also to ensure that plastic does not absorb moisture from the atmosphere when you wait for a test.
- It is based on the statistical analysis, which is particularly useful when the test. With the time move, the tester is an easy-to-use programming tool. You can spend less time to prepare and test production.
All of our test models are made of tough material to withstand the harsh conditions.
Quality control ensures sales
Cnmoulding believes that technology updates will inspire new ideas. New technology will greatly improve production efficiency and reduce production costs. The plastic water uses analysis so that the price of plastic manufactured goods is lower. The quality, the higher the efficiency.
If a custom plastic product is able to implement strict quality control, it is possible to achieve the following benefits. And reduce product defects. Reducing the variable costs associated with the labor material. Waste and pollution are reduced. High-quality injection-molded products can be produced over a longer period of time, It has high-quality assurance. So as to improve the visibility of the enterprise and continuously obtain the customer order.
To improve the quality of the staff is to improve productivity and overall efficiency. by performance test: a product is placed under different stress, such as humidity, vibration, temperature, And the like. The weakness of the mold and the plastic product is exposed.

Quality Up Sales rising:
The quality improvement process and another department follow-up by the management. A successful mold injection service will show overall quality control: even the trade war. The whole company’s sales in 2020, which have led to a fall in sales. But we are still rising.